Metal leaf types and sizes

TOP About Metal Leaf Metal leaf types and sizes

Metal leaf types

We produce various types of metal leaf such as gold, silver, copper and platinum leaf.
In addition, gold leaf has various types, including 24K pure gold leaf and alloys containing small quantities of silver or copper.
Depending on the alloy composition, each type has a distinctive color and texture, which can be selected according to the use.

Metal leaf alloy composition

Karat Gold Silver Copper Platinum Zinc Aluminum Tin
Metal Leaf 24K 24K 100%
Gomou color 23.74K 98.912% 0.495% 0.593%
No. 1 color 23.44K 97.666% 1.357% 0.977%
No. 2 color 23.21K 96.721% 2.602% 0.677%
No. 3 color 22.99K 95.795% 3.535% 0.670%
No. 4 color 22.66K 94.438% 4.901% 0.661%
Sanbu color 18.12K 75.534% 24.466%
Sada color 14.12K 58.824% 41.176%
HAKUZA original metal leaf Pure Gold Platinum Leaf
(Towa color)
99% 1%
Pure Gold Platinum Leaf
(Kuon color)
92% 8%
Gold leaf yamabuki color
(bright yellow)
95% 5%
Pure silver leaf 100%
Platinum leaf 100%
Brass leaf (No.3 color) 85% 15%
Brass leaf (No.4 color) 87% 13%
Aluminum leaf 100%
Tin leaf 100%
The alloy compositions above are common within the metal leaf industry (excluding HAKUZA original Pure Gold Platinum Leaf)

HAKUZA original Pure Gold Platinum Leaf

We focused on creating an alloy of pure gold and platinum. In 2002, though considered difficult due to the difference between melting points, we succeeded in creating the alloy and developed two types of Pure Gold Platinum Leaf.
Although extremely close to being pure gold, towa color gold leaf posses a distinctive hue, due to its 1% platinum content. Koun color is close to champagne gold.
Pure gold platinum leaf is suitable for outdoor use, since it contains no substances that can cause discoloration.
Left: Towa color – 99% pure gold, 1% pure platinum
Right: Kuon color – 92% pure gold, 8% pure platinum

Metal leaf sizes

Beaten leaf is cut into a specified size. The common size is 10.9cm×10.9cm, although it may differ depending on the metal leaf type.
Size (cm) Main uses
10.9cm×10.9cm (approx.) A common size used for Buddhist altars and their fittings, and general crafts
11.5cm×11.5cm (approx.) Mainly used for Nishijin fabric
12.7cm×12.7cm (approx.) Mainly used for folding screens, temple pillars, etc.
15.8cm×15.8cm (approx.) Mainly used for Nagoya and Mikawa Buddhist altars
21.8cm×21.8cm (approx.) Mainly used for large Nagoya and Mikawa Buddhist altar doors
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